
Are you fed-up with your current state or situation? Are you tired of the BS? If so, what are you doing about it? It’s one thing to be fed-up and actively doing something about it, but it is another thing if you are fed-up, but not taking any action or making any strides to change …

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What strategy are you currently using to get to where you want or need to be? Or are you solely relying on faith and good measure that you will achieve your goals or reach the destination that you seek? To begin with If you are not applying some type of strategy to achieve your goals, …

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Do you find yourself reacting to situations more than being proactive? Many of us have probably been in situations where we are forced to react rather than relying on our ability to be proactive, if that is the case more than likely, you are already behind the curve when the situation occurs. If we are …

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Are you prepared for the next big thing? Are you ready to level up? Are you pushing yourself beyond your current status? If not, why not? Someone told me years ago that I should always be preparing for the next thing, don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that you should not live in …

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Are you currently being the best version of yourself? Or are you just ok with the way things are and settling for who you are presently and for whatever comes your way? I will admit, years ago I was not even attempting to be the best version of myself, and I was settling for whatever …

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Have you set any goals for yourself? If so, are you actively pursuing your goals? If not, what is keeping you from pursuing your goals? I’m sorry to say if you are waiting for the perfect time, for the stars to align, or for you to get some type of sign, I would say that …

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Do you find yourself adhering to or following rules, regulations and or guidelines set by someone else? Just to be clear, I am only referring to those rules, regulations and or guidelines that go against your beliefs, who you are or what you stand for. How does that make you feel? In other words, are …

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Have you recently experienced anything you would consider to be a major or minor breakthrough? If so, are you capitalizing on that momentum and exploring the chances of having more breakthroughs? In many cases, if we choose to integrate that momentum into our normal activities and daily routines you have a much better chance of …

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Are you thinking about your career and positioning yourself for the next opportunity? Have you looked at what it takes to get to the next level within your organization? Better yet are you prepared to go outside of your organization if you are not able to achieve your goals internal to your current organization? I …

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Holding Back

Are you giving an honest effort when it comes to realizing your dream? Or are you holding yourself back because it may not align with where you are in your life and or career today? It may not necessarily be a dream that you are not giving an honest effort, it may just be you …

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