
Are you sabotaging your own happiness? Your own growth and development? Are you the one who continues to throw a wrench in all of your well-intentioned plans and ideas? For most of us, in many cases we are our own worst enemy, we sabotage ourselves before we even get started. We often fill ourselves with …

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Be The Change

Are you currently in a situation that you don’t like? Or that you prefer not to be in? If this applies to you or you can relate to this statement, first off, you can rest assured that you are not alone. Many of us can relate because many of us have been in similar situations …

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Are you living an unforgettable life for yourself or are you watching the unforgettable lives of others? If you fall into the latter category, I implore you to live the unforgettable life you are meant to live. Not that your life must be unforgettable to others, full of glamour and nonstop excitement, above average achievements, …

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Do you have control over your own life? Or are you relying on someone else to make decisions for you? If you ask me, I will highly encourage you to stop giving up control over your own life! Think about it any time you are in a position to make a decision regarding your own …

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Are you comfortable with your current circumstances? If so, I encourage you to get uncomfortable! What I mean by this statement is that if you are comfortable chances are you are not challenging yourself to a state of discomfort or unfamiliarity, more importantly you are not putting yourself in a position for further growth and …

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Are you participating in your life? Or are you standing by on the sidelines like a spectator and not participating? What will it take for you to participate in your own life? If you have not figured out how to participate for yourself, there is always someone willing to have you participate in their journey …

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Recipe for Success

Do you have a repeatable recipe for success that you use over and over again? If so, what are the ingredients in your recipe for success? In other words, what do you do to ensure you have the best chance of being successful? To begin with, we must first acknowledge that success can mean different …

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Right Time

Are you waiting for the absolute right time to accomplish your goals, to complete a task, or to start on a particular project you have been putting off? If you are waiting on the so-called right time, you are missing out on the opportunity to capitalize on the things that are happening right now. For …

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Are you restless and can’t wait for the next big thing to get you moving forward? If so, what steps are you taking to expedite the process? If you can’t wait or sit still because you feel like you are missing out on something or you don’t know what to do with yourself, I encourage …

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No Tomorrow

What if you knew today was your last day on earth? What would you do differently if you knew there was no tomorrow? With that in mind, my question to you is why wait until time runs out and there is no tomorrow? The reality is that you only have one life to live, why …

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