
Are you quick to respond to situations that disrupt your daily routines that may ultimately lead to affecting the quality of your life? Or are you more inclined to hesitate when faced with a disruptive situation? The fact is, in many cases, not reacting soon enough could be the difference between you coming out on …

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Are you constantly seeking the approval of others regarding your own success, progression in your career, or overall acceptance? Regardless of what you have been led to believe or what might be practiced by those around you, the reality is that the only person that you need approval from is yourself. In the past, many …

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Giving Up

Have you recently experienced setbacks in your life? Or are you facing obstacles and roadblocks that consistently get in your way? Has it led you to thinking about giving up? Which by the way is a natural feeling, but before you give up and throw in the towel, I encourage you to take the appropriate …

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Are you progressing in your professional career? What about your personal life, are you progressing at the pace you want? If not, what is holding you back? Are you expecting someone else to manage your progression? If that is the case, then I am afraid you are subject to the limitations of others as well …

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Are you ready to step-up and claim what’s yours? The question I am asking you is whether you are ready to step up and claim your own existence? If you didn’t know it, we have all have been blessed with a special purpose. Of course, not everyone has yet learned or identified what their special …

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Better Late Than Never

Have you been putting something off because you believe you have waited too long? I am here to tell you that it is not too late to get started on your dreams or the goals that you set for yourself. Throughout my personal growth journey, I have been inspired by so many individuals who have …

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Are you progressing in your personal life and or career with a sense of urgency? Are you achieving the goals you set for yourself? Are you checking off the list of accomplishments you identified for yourself? Or are you taking things as they come without putting in much work? If you choose to sit back …

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Have you identified a destination for yourself? In simpler terms have you considered where you are headed in your personal life? Or in your Career? Think about this, if you have not identified a destination, you are literally wandering through life aimlessly without a set destination. Don’t get me wrong, not to say that the …

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Rinse and Repeat

Have you recently experienced successes that you would like to experience over and over again? If so, I encourage you to reflect on the recent success and make note of what worked and what didn’t work. This will make it much easier to duplicate the successful endeavor. Once you have determined the most effective elements …

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New Beginning

Are you ready for a new beginning? Are you tired of doing the same things repeatedly and expecting a different outcome? If so, what efforts have you put forth to ensure you are prepared to embark upon a new beginning? Are you prepared to step into a new beginning? If you are not ready, what …

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