Have you set any goals for yourself? If so, are you actively pursuing your goals? If not, what is keeping you from pursuing your goals? I’m sorry to say if you are waiting for the perfect time, for the stars to align, or for you to get some type of sign, I would say that you are relying on false hope and will likely not achieve your goals. On the other hand, if you take action and commit to actively pursuing your goals you will begin to realize your goals are attainable. Not to say that you will accomplish the goals you set for yourself with ease, but rather, if you stay committed to pursuing your goals, you will begin to realize success. Once you have identified your goals the next very important step is to write your goals down, as many of us know, not writing our goals down can quickly shift to wishful thinking and will likely fade without completion. By writing our goals down we can hold ourselves accountable, we are better able to visualize our goals and seeing our goals regularly remains as a constant reminder of the goals we set for ourselves. Another reason for keeping our goals in plain site is so that we can continuously review our goals to make sure they remain relevant and still make sense. This is your plan, so feel free to adjust as needed. The time is now, actively pursue your goals, keep your goals in sight and before you know it, you will be celebrating your success through goal achievement! |