
What are you passionate about? Are you currently in a place in your life or career that you can freely exhibit or illustrate your passion frequently? In other words, are you working at a job you are passionate about? Or are you even doing something you enjoy? Or have you subdued your passion in exchange …

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Do you second-guess the decisions you make? Are you constantly flipping back and forth when faced with difficult decisions? If you are doing so, you are likely doing yourself a huge disservice. Every time you doubt or second-guess your decisions you chip away at your confidence level and your ability to make decisions and in …

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I want to welcome you to my Blog Page, where I will be posting content weekly in reference to personal growth, both personal & professional development, career development and self-improvement tips! This page is closely associated and related to my weekly podcast titled: “Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People” or (JONSOP) for short, where we …

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