
I want to welcome you to my Blog Page, where I will be posting content weekly in reference to personal growth, both personal & professional development, career development and self-improvement tips! This page is closely associated and related to my weekly podcast titled: “Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People” or (JONSOP) for short, where we discuss very similar topics in reference to anything closely related to personal growth and personal, professional and career development! My co-host and I Dr. Dave Peltz want to assist you in your journey so that you don’t have to take the “long scenic route” unless you want to. Don’t get me wrong, we both understand that the journey in most cases is absolutely worth it, however, we also understand that it does not hurt to have a little help along the way! So please tune-in to the weekly podcast as well as the weekly blog so that you are better equipped to: “Take Control Of Your Life”!

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