Testing Yourself

Are you consistently testing yourself?

Or are you happy with the same old routine? Or are you happy with the status quo? In other words, are you purposely testing yourself to verify you are challenging yourself beyond what you are currently doing?

It has been my experience that if I do not test myself on a regular basis, I get complacent and remain stagnant thereby limiting my chances of being prepared for future opportunities. Although the intent is not to always be searching for something new, but rather to prepare yourself for the unknown. For the most part, we would like to think that things will always be favorable, the reality is that things do change and if we are not prepared then we can be left in an unfavorable position. Testing yourself is one way to keep you on your toes and to keep you prepared for the unknown.

Not to say that we can’t enjoy the moment, but rather being in a position where you can control certain aspects of your future if your current situation changes. With that said, if you are not testing yourself, I encourage you to push yourself beyond what is directly in front of you. Test your abilities and capabilities so that you have a better understanding of what you are capable of.

Don’t wait to test yourself out of necessity test yourself today!