
Are you ready to step-up and claim what’s yours? The question I am asking you is whether you are ready to step up and claim your own existence?

If you didn’t know it, we have all have been blessed with a special purpose. Of course, not everyone has yet learned or identified what their special purpose is, so I totally understand if you have not figured it out yet. In fact, it took me most of my adult life to figure out what my special purpose is. I would also like to mention that now that I have a better understanding of what my special purpose is, I have stepped up to live in my purpose more intentionally.

With that said, if you are not at least stepping up to figure out what that special purpose is, sadly you are doing yourself a huge disservice. Of course, I acknowledge the fact that we are all faced with challenges each day and it is often difficult to give more of ourselves in search of our special purpose. What I would encourage you to do is take some time each day to focus on what makes you happy and about the things you would do regardless of whether you get paid.

The intent is to help you gain more clarity so that you can step up and into your special purpose. Step up today and begin living in your special purpose?