Rinse and Repeat

Have you recently experienced successes that you would like to experience over and over again?

If so, I encourage you to reflect on the recent success and make note of what worked and what didn’t work.

This will make it much easier to duplicate the successful endeavor. Once you have determined the most effective elements of the process, I encourage you to use similar techniques to increase your chances of repeated success. For example, you were successful with a recent college course you were taking because you set aside at least 2 hours each evening to study. This is a more controllable and desirable situation versus waiting until the last minute to try and cram a weeks’ worth of information and learning into a couple of hours of study.

Choosing to use a similar study routine as described above will likely increase your chances of having success in future classes. The idea is to Rinse and Repeat on proven successful methods to increase your chances of future success! Although I just identified a very simple approach to this concept, the reality is that this technique can be used in more complex situations as well. The bottom line is that we don’t want to constantly be reinventing the wheel, my motto is that the more we can reuse something that already exists makes it that must easier to remain consistent in our approach. Remember rinse and repeat can help to minimize the time it takes to achieve your next success.

What process can you rinse and repeat?