
Do you have a repeatable process?

For instance, if you recently completed a project, have you identified a basic process that you can repeat that will assist you with future projects?

More importantly, do you have a process or some type of framework that you can use when faced with difficult situations?

Can this process be used to overcome obstacles or maneuvering around barriers in your life? Or are you sporadic with your approach and all over the place when it comes to facing challenges? If you fall into the latter category and you don’t have a repeatable process, I encourage you to take some time to figure out a best approach or process that you can use when faced with difficult situations. This process does not have to be elaborate or complicated, but rather a simple process or approach that can be easily recalled.

Of course, I do not expect that you will be able create a process or approach that will cover all situations; however, I do believe you can at least create some type of framework that you can recall whenever needed. The more you get done ahead of time the more time you have to work on the important things.

What are you waiting for get started on developing your own personal repeatable process today!