
Do you have control over your own life? Or are you relying on someone else to make decisions for you?

If you ask me, I will highly encourage you to stop giving up control over your own life! Think about it any time you are in a position to make a decision regarding your own future, and you choose not to respond, please know that you are allowing someone else to make a decision for you.

If you choose not to take control of your life, believe me, someone is always waiting in the wind just ready to pounce on the opportunity to control you. Even if you are not aware or even accept it, you are totally equipped to control your own destiny, but you must be willing to take full control of your own life! It all starts with you accepting the responsibility to take control of your own life, which leads to you making the decision that ultimately leads to you taking control of your own life.

Once you have committed to taking control of your life then you must be intentional about doing those things that will ensure you maintain your control. With that been said, if you expect to maintain control of your life, remember this must be a continuous process and not just a do it once and done endeavor.

I will ask you again, are you ready to take control of your life?