Here I Go Again

Are you ready to go to the next thing with little or no preparation?

Have you already put yourself in a position to capitalize on the next big opportunity? Or will you be caught off guard if changes occur in the very near future?

For me, it is about always being ready for the next opportunity! I will admit, in the past this was not always the case, I have been caught off guard more times than I care to remember. In recent years, I have learned to always be prepared to progress to the next level no matter what comes my way. Have you put yourself in a position to make the best of the next opportunity? If not, why not? Although we would like to think that things will remain constant, the reality is that change is inevitable, and the best thing we can do is to be ready to the best of our ability. I you choose not to prepare you stand the risk of putting yourself at a huge disadvantage compared to your peers.

Not to say that you should not live for today and only think of the future, but rather I do suggest that you consider what may not be readily seen as motivation to stay at the ready. To get yourself ready to go again, I highly encourage you to take stock of where you are today and where you would like to go, from there you can make the necessary adjustments to best prepare you for the next big opportunity.

Don’t wait until it is too late, start now get yourself ready to go again!